Journey to Sydney

by Konrad Bucheli

Monday 29th - Tuesday 30th August, 2016

Monday afternoon we have to bring back the car. So there is only a short time left for Perth. And how do you find a parking in downtown with overheight? We should have informed us a bit earlier...

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Journey to Australia

by Konrad Bucheli

Tuesday/Wednesday 26th/27th July, 2016

The flight over Singapore to Darwin went well. The biggest "disaster" were spilled beverages. The children wept only very few times. Jann was at times a bit active, but that was not extraordinary. With his charm je twisted a young lady from the row behind us around his finger. He answered her question: "What animals will you see in Australia?" very competent with "crocodile". OK, Petra drummed the crocodiles into Jann since a while. Question: "May you go to the water in Australia?" Jann: "No". "And why?" "Because of the crocodiles!"

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