Sunday walk in the Botanic Garden
by Petra Bucheli
Royal Botanic Gardens
flying fox
Sunday 22nd April, 2012
A bit before noon Konrad and I went to the city. Here are the Royal Botanic Gardens next to the many skyscrapers and historical buildings.
1788 there was the first farm in Australia on the park area. They constructed much even thou the land was not very fertile. Unfortunately the park degenerated during first world war and no new plants were collected. Only years later the park got improved. Today it offers a very good collection of Australian and tropical plants. Together with Konrad we made a long walk through the park. We enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere and watched the plants which were still blooming. For starch ourselves we left the park shortly and had lunch with view to the Opera House. After we surrounded the opera, but unfortunately the main stairs are currently redone. Back in the park we were looking for flying foxes, a kind of bats. A colony of flying foxes lives in the park and hangs in the trees during the day. It took quite a while until we found them. After a break in the park café we would have liked to further explore the park, but it started to rain. So we went home with the train.