Westwards to the second

by Konrad Bucheli

Thursday/Friday 4th/5th August, 2016

We aim now for Broome at the Indian Ocean. We only need to go for another few hundred kilometers. Because of the kids we do that in several shorter parts. On Thursay we start quite late. Kiara gets a mobile with wooden pieces to play and the childrens songs help too. We stop then already at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon in Fitzroy Crossing.

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Get out of Darwin!

by Konrad Bucheli

Thursday/Friday 28th/29th July, 2016

We wandered around Darwin on Thursday morning. It was high tide and we could feed wild fishes on the shores of the sea down at "Doctors Gully". A bit questionable from the environmental point of view, but very fascinating for the children. There came many fishes, mainly of two kinds.

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