Our Temporary Home

by Petra Bucheli

Wednesday 17th April, 2019

We did not have to search for a flat as Konrad's employer sent us to Sydney. We already knew that we will live in the rented house at the James Street when we got the confirmation for the shift. Last time we lived in a different house, as there was already another family in that house. But we visited them at times and so I already knew more or less what to expect.

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Journey to Australia

by Petra Bucheli

Monday/Tuesday 1st/2nd April, 2019

Our trip started already on Friday noon. Jann went a last time to kindergarten and had a tearful farewell of his mates. After a fine lunch with Konrad's parents we left St. Urban and went to Lake Constance. My mom celebrated on Sunday a big birthday and so we could say good bye to my part of the family.

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